ielts english test

What questions are asked in IELTS English test?

The IELTS English test is a pivotal examination for individuals seeking to demonstrate their English language proficiency, whether for academic, professional, or migration purposes. In this blog, we will delve into the specifics of each section, decoding the types of questions asked and offering insights on how to approach them.

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1.Listening Section:

The Listening section assesses a candidate’s ability to comprehend spoken English in various contexts. It consists of four parts, each with a distinct set of question types.

Multiple Choice Questions in IELTS English Test:

  • Candidates listen to a recording and choose the correct answer from multiple options.
  • Tips: Pay attention to synonyms and paraphrasing in the options.


  • Candidates match a set of statements or questions to specific information in the recording.
  • Tips: Focus on keywords and try to anticipate answers before they are presented.

Form Completion:

  • Candidates complete forms, summaries, or tables based on information heard in the recording.
  • Tips: Practice understanding details while maintaining awareness of the overall context.

Note Completion:

  • Candidates fill in missing information in sentences or notes based on the recording.
  • Tips: Pay attention to spelling and word limits, and practice paraphrasing.

2. Reading Section:

The Reading section evaluates a candidate’s ability to understand written texts. It consists of three passages, each followed by a set of questions.

Multiple Choice Questions:

  • Candidates choose the correct answer from a set of options based on information in the passage.
  • Tips: Be cautious of distractors and carefully read all options before selecting an answer.

True/False/Not Given:

  • Candidates determine the accuracy of statements in relation to the information in the passage.
  • Tips: Differentiate between ‘false’ and ‘not given’ statements, focusing on subtle nuances.

Matching Information:

  • Candidates match information, such as headings or features, to specific sections of the passage.
  • Tips: Skim the passage quickly before attempting questions to get an overview.

Sentence Completion:

  • Candidates complete sentences using information from the passage.
  • Tips: Pay attention to paraphrasing and use context clues to identify the correct answers.

3. Writing Section:

It consists of two tasks: Task 1 (Describing Visual Information) and Task 2 (Writing an Essay).

Task 1 (Describing Visual Information):

  • Candidates describe and interpret visual data, such as graphs, charts, or diagrams.
  • Tips: Practice interpreting different types of visual data and presenting key trends and features.

Task 2 (Writing an Essay):

  • Candidates for IELTS english test  write an essay responding to a prompt, expressing and supporting their opinion.
  • Tips: Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

4. Speaking Section:

The Speaking section assesses a candidate’s ability to communicate orally in English through a face-to-face interview with an examiner. It comprises three parts.

Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes):

  • Examiner introduces themselves and asks the candidate about familiar topics like home, studies, work, and interests.
  • Tips: Provide detailed answers to showcase your ability to express ideas coherently.

Long Turn (3-4 minutes):

  • Candidate receives a task card with a topic, has 1 minute to prepare, and then speaks for 1-2 minutes on the topic.
  • Tips: Use the preparation time wisely to organize your thoughts. Speak clearly and coherently during the monologue.

Discussion (4-5 minutes):

  • Examiner and candidate engage in a discussion on more abstract and complex topics related to Part 2.
  • Tips: Express opinions clearly, support them with relevant examples, and engage in a thoughtful discussion.

General Tips for Success:

Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to familiarizing yourself with question types and improving your skills.

Develop Time Management Skills: Allocate time wisely during practice tests to simulate the actual test conditions.

Expand Vocabulary: A rich vocabulary enhances your ability to comprehend and respond effectively in all sections.

Understand Paraphrasing: Recognizing paraphrased information is crucial, particularly in the Reading and Listening sections.

Seek Feedback: Enlist the help of teachers, language partners, or online platforms to receive constructive feedback on your responses.

Simulate Test Conditions: Practice under timed conditions to build confidence and reduce anxiety during the actual test.

Stay Informed about Current Affairs: Being aware of current events aids in expressing informed opinions during the Speaking and Writing sections.

Comprehensive Strategies for Success:

Consistent Practice:

  • Engage in regular, varied practice to build proficiency across all four modules.
  • Utilize official IELTS english test practice materials and sample tests to simulate real exam conditions.

Time Management:

  • Develop a time management strategy for each module, ensuring you allocate sufficient time to each question type.
  • Practice under timed conditions to enhance your ability to complete tasks within the specified timeframe.

Vocabulary Enhancement:

Categorize word in IELTS english test  based on themes to facilitate easy recall during the exam.

Grammar Refinement:

Identify common grammar pitfalls and work on improving them through targeted exercises.

Mock Tests and Feedback:

  • Take full-length mock tests regularly to assess your overall performance.
  • Seek feedback from teachers, language tutors, or online communities to identify areas for improvement.

Listening to Various English Accents:

  • Expose yourself to a variety of English accents by listening to podcasts, interviews, and films.
  • Practice understanding different accents to enhance your performance in the Listening and Speaking modules.


The types of questions in the IELTS test is essential for strategic preparation. By practicing each question type, honing specific skills, and incorporating targeted tips, you can approach the test with confidence and increase your chances of achieving the desired band score. Remember, a well-rounded preparation strategy is the key to success in the IELTS examination.

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