
Breaking Down the OET Exam Structure: Familiarizing Yourself with Each Module

The Occupational English Test (OET) is a language proficiency exam designed for healthcare professionals seeking to work or study in an English-speaking country. To perform well in the OET exam, it is essential to understand the structure of the exam and the requirements of each module. In this blog post, we will break down the OET exam structure design and provide insights into each module. Global Next Gen Professionals, recognized as the best OET institute in Chandigarh, offers comprehensive training programs to help candidates excel in all aspects of the OET exam.

Understanding the OET Exam Structure:

The OET test is divided into four modules: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each module is designed to evaluate specific language skills necessary for effective communication in a healthcare context.

1. Listening Module:

The Listening module assesses your ability to understand spoken English in a healthcare environment. It consists of three parts, with a total of 42-56 questions. The audio recordings in this module feature various healthcare scenarios, such as doctor-patient consultations, lectures, and healthcare-professional interactions. Candidates listen to the recordings and answer multiple-choice questions, gap-fill exercises, and short-answer questions.

2. Reading Module:

The Reading module evaluates your ability to comprehend written English texts related to healthcare. It consists of three parts, with a total of 42-56 questions. The texts include articles, excerpts from medical journals, and patient information leaflets. Candidates are required to answer multiple-choice questions, fill in the blanks, and match information.

3. Writing Module:

The Writing module assesses your ability to produce written English in a healthcare context. It consists of one task, which varies depending on the profession. For example, doctors may be asked to write a referral letter, while nurses may be asked to write a discharge letter. Candidates are expected to produce a well-structured, coherent, and grammatically accurate response within the given time limit.


4. Speaking Module:

The Speaking module evaluates your ability to communicate effectively in English with patients and healthcare professionals. It consists of two role-plays, which simulate real-life healthcare scenarios. Candidates are required to interact with an interlocutor, who takes on the role of a patient or a healthcare professional. The role-plays assess your language proficiency, communication skills, and ability to handle specific situations.

Familiarizing Yourself with Each Module:

1. Listening Module:

To prepare for the Listening module, practice active listening skills. Focus on understanding the main idea, specific details, and context of the conversations or lectures. Develop strategies to identify keywords and phrases, and practice answering different question types within the allocated time. Use practice materials and audio recordings to familiarize yourself with the pace, accent, and vocabulary used in the test. As the best OET institute in Chandigarh, our expert trainers and mentors can provide you with these tests and study materials.

2. Reading Module:

For the Reading module, practice skimming and scanning techniques to quickly locate information within the given texts. Develop a systematic approach to analyze the questions and identify keywords or clues. Improve your reading speed and comprehension by reading a variety of healthcare-related materials, such as articles, reports, and academic papers. Work on time management skills to allocate sufficient time for each part of the module.

3. Writing Module:

To excel in the Writing module, familiarize yourself with the task requirements and the specific format for each profession. Understand the assessment criteria, which include content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse coherence. Practice planning and structuring your response effectively within the given time limit. Focus on developing clear and concise paragraphs with logical progression and supporting evidence. Seek feedback from trainers or mentors to improve your writing skills.

4. Speaking Module:

To prepare for the Speaking module, practice both role-plays and interactive conversations in a healthcare setting. Develop active listening skills to understand the interlocutor’s questions or prompts. Practice responding accurately and appropriately, considering the role, context, and purpose of the interaction. Work on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency to ensure effective communication. Seek opportunities for mock speaking tests or practice sessions with trainers or mentors to gain confidence and receive constructive feedback.



Familiarizing yourself with the OET exam structure and understanding the requirements of each module are essential steps in preparing for the test. Global Next Gen Professionals, recognized as the best OET institute in Chandigarh, offers comprehensive training programs to help candidates excel in all modules of the OET exam. By understanding the nuances of each module and engaging in targeted practice, you can develop the necessary language skills, strategies, and confidence to perform well on exam day. Enroll in the best OET training institute in Chandigarh, practice diligently, and let our experienced trainers and mentors guide you towards achieving your goals in the OET exam. With a solid understanding of the exam structure, you can approach the OET exam with confidence and increase your chances of success.

Time Management Techniques for the OET Exam: Maximizing Efficiency during the Test

Effective time management is crucial when it comes to performing well in the Occupational English Test (OET) exam. The ability to manage your time efficiently allows you to complete all sections of the exam within the allocated time frame. In this blog post, we will explore valuable time management techniques to help you maximize efficiency during the OET exam. Global Next Gen Professionals, a renowned institute that provides the best OET test preparation in Chandigarh, and comprehensive training programs that focus on time management strategies to help candidates excel in the exam.

Understanding the Importance of Time Management in the OET Exam:

The OET exam is divided into four modules: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each module has specific tasks and time limits. Proper time management ensures that you allocate sufficient time to complete each section and prevents rushing or running out of time, which can negatively impact your performance.

Time Management Techniques for the OET Exam:

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Exam Format:

Understanding the structure of the OET exam is crucial for effective time management. Familiarize yourself with the number of questions, tasks, and time limits for each module. This will help you allocate appropriate time for each section and prevent spending excessive time on any particular task.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

Before starting the exam, set realistic goals for completing each section. Break down the available time for each task within a module. Setting specific targets will help you stay focused and monitor your progress throughout the exam.

3. Practice Timed Mock Tests:

Engage in regular timed mock tests during your preparation. This will allow you to gauge your speed and accuracy in completing tasks within the given time limits. Practice under exam-like conditions to develop a sense of timing and build confidence in managing your time effectively.

4. Prioritize Tasks:

In the Reading and Listening modules, prioritize tasks based on difficulty level or the number of marks allocated to each task. Start with the tasks that you find easier or those that carry higher weightage. This ensures that you complete the more crucial tasks first and leaves you with ample time for the remaining ones.

5. Skim and Scan Techniques:

In the Reading module, employ skim and scan techniques to quickly identify relevant information in the text. Skim through the passage to get a general understanding, and then scan for specific details or answers to the questions. This helps you save time and locate information efficiently.

6. Manage Your Writing Time:

In the Writing module, divide your time effectively between planning, writing, and reviewing your responses. Allocate a few minutes to analyze the task, brainstorm ideas, and outline your essay or letter. Use the majority of your time to write the actual response, ensuring that you cover all the required points. Reserve the last few minutes for proofreading and editing.

7. Use Shortcuts and Strategies:

Develop effective strategies to tackle different question types in the Listening and Reading modules. For instance, in the Listening module, underline keywords in the questions to help you focus on the relevant parts of the audio. In the Reading module, use techniques like skimming, scanning, and highlighting to quickly locate answers.

8. Manage Speaking Time:

During the Speaking module, manage your time effectively while engaging in role-plays. Listen carefully to the interlocutor’s questions and prompts, and respond directly and concisely. Practice delivering your responses within the given time limit, ensuring that you address all the necessary aspects of the task.

9. Stay Calm and Focused:

Maintaining a calm and focused mindset throughout the exam is crucial for time management. Avoid getting stuck on challenging questions or tasks. If you come across a challenging question, go on and, if time allows, return to it later. Remember, staying composed and focused will help you manage your time more effectively.

10. Seek OET Test Preparation from Experts:

Enrolling in a reputable OET test preparation institute like Global Next Gen Professionals in Chandigarh provides you with the guidance of experienced trainers. They can provide valuable insights, strategies, and personalized tips to help you manage your time efficiently during the exam.


Effective time management is essential for success in the OET exam. By implementing the above-mentioned time management techniques for the OET Exam, you can maximize efficiency and perform to the best of your abilities in each module. Global Next Gen Professionals, as a trusted OET test preparation institute in Chandigarh, offers comprehensive training programs that focus on time management strategies. Enroll in their training program, practice diligently, and let their expert trainers guide you toward achieving your goals in the OET exam. With proper time management, you can navigate through the exam confidently and improve your chances of success.


Building Confidence in the OET Speaking Module: Tips and Practice Scenarios

The Occupational English Test (OET) Speaking Module is a crucial component of the exam that assesses your ability to communicate effectively in a healthcare setting. Building confidence in this module is essential to perform well and showcase your language proficiency. In this blog post, we will explore valuable tips and practice scenarios to enhance your confidence in the OET Speaking Module. Global Next Gen Professionals, a leading OET exam coaching in Chandigarh, provides comprehensive OET classes in Chandigarh to help you excel in the Speaking Module and achieve success in the OET Exam.


Understanding the OET Speaking Module:

Global NextGen Professionals- The Best OET classes in Chandigarh offers OET Speaking Module evaluates your ability to communicate with patients and healthcare professionals in English. It consists of role-plays that simulate real-life healthcare scenarios, allowing you to demonstrate your language proficiency and communication skills.

During the Speaking Module, you will engage in conversations with a trained interlocutor who plays the role of a patient or a healthcare professional. The scenarios presented in the exam reflect common situations encountered in healthcare settings, such as taking patient histories, explaining medical conditions, providing instructions, and discussing treatment options.

Tips to Build Confidence in the OET Speaking Module:

1. Understand the assessment criteria:

To build confidence in the OET Speaking Module in the OET classes in Chandigarh, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the assessment criteria. The criteria include intelligibility, fluency, appropriateness of language, and interaction. Knowing what is expected of you will help you focus on the key areas during your preparation.

2. Practice active listening:

Develop strong listening skills to understand the patient’s concerns and respond appropriately. Actively listen to the interlocutor’s questions and prompts, and respond accordingly, demonstrating your ability to understand and communicate effectively.

3. Expand your vocabulary:

Enhancing your vocabulary related to healthcare topics, medical conditions, treatments, and procedures is crucial. This will enable you to express yourself clearly and accurately during the role-plays. Make use of medical terminology and relevant healthcare vocabulary to demonstrate your knowledge and proficiency.

4. Develop cultural awareness:

Familiarize yourself with cultural nuances and communication styles in healthcare settings. Understanding cultural sensitivities and appropriate behavior will help you navigate the scenarios with confidence and professionalism. Respect cultural diversity and adapt your communication style accordingly.

5. Practice with authentic materials:

Utilize authentic OET speaking practice materials, such as sample role-plays and practice tests, to simulate the exam environment. This will help you become comfortable with the format and expectations of the Speaking Module. Practice with scenarios that reflect real-life healthcare situations to enhance your confidence.

6. Seek feedback:

Engage in mock speaking tests and seek feedback from experienced trainers. Global Next Gen Professionals, with its expert trainers, provides valuable feedback and guidance to help you identify areas for improvement and refine your speaking skills. Constructive feedback will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to focus on specific areas that need improvement.

7. Time management:

Practice managing your time effectively during the role-plays. The Speaking Module has specific time constraints, and being able to deliver concise and relevant responses within the allocated time is crucial. Use practice sessions to develop strategies for time management, ensuring you can address all aspects of the role-play within the given timeframe.

8. Use appropriate language:

Pay attention to using appropriate language for different scenarios. Adjust your language level and tone based on the role you are playing and the audience you are addressing. Use professional terms and expressions while maintaining clarity and simplicity in your communication. Strive for accuracy in your language usage.

9. Practice scenarios:

Engage in role-play practice scenarios to simulate real-life interactions. Practice common healthcare situations such as discussing treatment plans, giving advice, providing information about medication, or explaining procedures. This will help you become comfortable and confident in handling diverse scenarios. Practice with a range of scenarios to build versatility in your responses.

10. Record and evaluate:

Recording and analyzing your practice sessions will help you find areas for development. Pay attention to your pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and overall communication skills. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and work on refining your performance. Make note of any repeated errors or areas that require additional practice.


Building confidence in the OET Speaking Module is crucial for success in the OET Exam. By following the tips mentioned above and engaging in practice scenarios, you can develop the necessary skills to communicate effectively in healthcare settings. Global Next Gen Professionals, as a leading OET exam coaching institute in Chandigarh, offers comprehensive training programs that focus on enhancing your confidence and performance in the Speaking Module. Enroll in their coaching program, practice diligently, and let their expert trainers guide you towards achieving your goals in the OET Exam. With preparation and practice, you can build confidence and excel in the OET Speaking Module, opening doors to a successful healthcare career.


Mock Tests and Practice Sessions: OET training in Chandigarh

Are you aspiring to pursue a career in an English-speaking country? If so, you must be aware of the importance of passing the Occupational English Test (OET) to prove your language proficiency. The OET Exam coaching in Chandigarh is a gateway to fulfilling your dreams, and to ensure success, it is crucial to receive proper guidance and coaching. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of mock tests and practice sessions in enhancing your readiness for the OET Exam through OET training in Chandigarh. Global Next Gen Professionals, a leading OET coaching in Chandigarh, offers comprehensive training programs to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Importance of OET training in Chandigarh:

Chandigarh, known for its renowned educational institutes, is an ideal city to prepare for the OET Exam. Enrolling in a reputable institute like Global Next Gen Professionals can significantly boost your chances of success in the OET Exam. Here, experienced trainers with expertise in healthcare and English language training provide personalized guidance to help you overcome language barriers and excel in all four modules of the exam: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

Mock Tests: A Glimpse into the Real OET Exam:

Mock tests play a vital role in preparing for the OET Exam. They simulate the actual exam conditions, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the format, timing, and difficulty level of the questions. OET training in Chandigarh offers a series of mock tests that accurately replicate the OET Exam environment, ensuring you are well-prepared.

Taking mock tests helps in identifying your strengths and weaknesses in each module. By analyzing the results and receiving feedback from trainers, you can focus on areas that need improvement. This targeted approach saves time and enables you to optimize your preparation strategy. The trainers at Global Next Gen Professionals guide you in developing effective techniques and strategies to tackle different question types, manage time efficiently, and enhance your overall performance.

Practice Sessions: Refining Your Skills:

In addition to mock tests, practice sessions are an integral part of OET coaching in Chandigarh. These sessions provide an opportunity to practice the specific skills required for each module of the OET Exam. Whether it is improving your listening comprehension, reading speed, writing coherence, or speaking fluency, practice sessions offer a structured platform to enhance your abilities.

OET training in Chandigarh offers practice sessions that focus on individual modules, ensuring you receive targeted training tailored to your needs. The trainers provide valuable tips and techniques to improve your language proficiency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Through interactive exercises, role-plays, and discussions, you gain confidence and develop the necessary skills to excel in the OET Exam.

Benefits of Mock Tests and Practice Sessions:

1. Familiarity with the exam format: 

Mock tests and practice sessions familiarize you with the structure and requirements of the OET Exam, reducing anxiety and improving performance.

2. Time management skills: 

Regular practice helps you become more efficient in managing time during the exam, ensuring you complete all tasks within the allocated time.

3. Targeted improvement: 

Mock tests and practice sessions identify your areas of weakness, allowing you to focus on specific skills that require improvement.

4. Confidence building: 

By regularly participating in mock tests and practice sessions, you gain confidence in your abilities and become better prepared to face the OET Exam.

5. Enhanced language proficiency: 

Through consistent practice and feedback from trainers, your language skills, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking, improve significantly.

6. Real-time feedback: 

Mock tests and practice sessions provide you with valuable feedback on your performance, allowing you to understand your strengths and areas that need further attention.

7. Reduced test anxiety: 

By experiencing exam-like conditions beforehand, you can alleviate test anxiety, enabling you to perform at your best during the actual OET Exam.

8. Familiarity with healthcare terminology: 

OET coaching in Chandigarh includes specialized training to enhance your understanding of medical terminology, enabling you to navigate through the exam with ease.

9. Improved communication skills: 

Mock tests and practice sessions help you develop effective communication strategies, enabling you to express yourself clearly and effectively in English.

10. Comprehensive OET exam coaching: 

The combination of mock tests, practice sessions, and expert guidance from trainers ensures that you are well-prepared for all aspects of the OET Exam, giving you a competitive edge.


To enhance your readiness for the OET Exam in Chandigarh, enrolling in an OET training in Chandigarh like Global Next Gen Professionals is essential. Their comprehensive training programs, including mock tests and practice sessions, provide the necessary tools to excel in the exam. By availing yourself of these resources, you can strengthen your language skills, gain confidence, and increase your chances of achieving success in the OET Exam. Prepare diligently, and let Global Next Gen Professionals guide you toward a promising healthcare career in an English-speaking country. Remember, mock tests and practice sessions are not just exercises; they are stepping stones towards your future success.


All About OET: Insights from OET center in Chandigarh

What is the OET?

The Occupational English Test assesses the language skills of candidates who aim to register and practice in an English-speaking healthcare environment. The test evaluates four language skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, focusing on scenarios relevant to healthcare settings. Join the OET center in Chandigarh for full course training. OET is recognized and accepted by healthcare regulators, institutions, and employers in various countries, including Australia, the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, and Dubai. It provides healthcare professionals with a standardized assessment of their English language proficiency, essential for effective communication and quality patient care.

what is the scope of OET?

The scope of the OET (Occupational English Test) is broad and extends across various professions within the healthcare sector.

  1. Healthcare Professions: OET is primarily designed for healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists, and veterinarians.
  2. Global Recognition: OET is recognized and accepted by healthcare regulators, employers, and universities in countries around the world, including Australia, the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, and Dubai, among others.
  3. Licensure and Employment: Many healthcare regulatory bodies require OET as proof of English language proficiency for licensure or registration. Additionally, healthcare institutions and employers often use OET scores as part of their recruitment process to ensure that candidates have the necessary language skills to work effectively in their roles.
  4. Career Advancement: Achieving a high score in OET can open up opportunities for career advancement and international employment. Healthcare professionals who demonstrate proficiency in English through OET may be eligible for positions in countries where English is the primary language of communication.
  5. Continuing Professional Development: OET scores may also be used for continuing professional development (CPD) purposes, as healthcare professionals seek to maintain and enhance their skills throughout their careers.

How can I improve my score?

Improving your score in the OET (Occupational English Test) requires dedicated effort and effective preparation. Here are some benefits of the GNP OET center in Chandigarh that can help you enhance your score:

  1. Expert Guidance: GNP offers guidance from experienced instructors who are well-versed in the nuances of the OET exam. They provide targeted strategies and personalized feedback to help you address your specific areas of improvement.
  2. Comprehensive Study Materials: GNP provides comprehensive study materials designed specifically for OET preparation. These materials cover all aspects of the exam, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking, ensuring you have the resources needed to succeed.
  3. Mock Tests and Practice Sessions: GNP conducts mock tests and practice sessions that simulate the OET exam environment. These exercises help you familiarize yourself with the test format and develop time management skills essential for success.
  4. Individualized Approach: GNP adopts an individualized approach to training, recognizing that each student has unique strengths and weaknesses. They tailor their instruction to address your specific needs, maximizing your chances of improving your score.
  5. Enhanced Confidence: Through rigorous preparation and continuous support, GNP helps you build confidence in your English language skills. This confidence is essential for performing well on the OET exam and succeeding professionally.
  6. Proven Track Record: GNP has a proven track record of helping students achieve their desired scores in the OET exam. Their success stories attest to the effectiveness of their training methods and the quality of instruction provided.

why is a high score required in OET?

A high score in the OET (Occupational English Test) is typically required because it demonstrates a level of English language proficiency necessary for success in professional settings, particularly in healthcare. Here are a few reasons why a high score is important:

  1. Communication Skills: In professions like nursing or medicine, effective communication is crucial for patient care. A high score indicates proficiency in understanding and conveying complex medical information accurately.
  2. Patient Safety: Clear and precise communication between healthcare professionals is essential for ensuring patient safety. A high OET score ensures that healthcare practitioners can communicate effectively with colleagues and patients, reducing the risk of misunderstandings that could lead to errors.
  3. Professionalism: Employers often view a high OET score as a sign of professionalism. It reflects a commitment to excellence and a willingness to invest in language skills, which are vital in providing quality care and interacting with colleagues and patients professionally.

What are the minimum scores required for each sub-test?

The minimum scores required for each sub-test in the OET (Occupational English Test) typically vary depending on the profession or institution that the test taker is applying to. However, generally speaking, a minimum score of around 350 is often considered acceptable for each sub-test (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) to meet the overall minimum requirement for most institutions or organizations. It’s essential to check the specific requirements of the institution or profession you’re applying to, as they may have their own set of minimum score requirements for each sub-test.

GNP: The best OET center in Chandigarh

GNP stands out as the premier OET center in Chandigarh, providing unparalleled excellence in OET preparation. With a dedicated team of experienced instructors and comprehensive study materials, we ensure that our students receive top-notch training to excel in the OET exam. Our proven track record of success and personalized approach to learning set us apart as the preferred choice for OET aspirants in Chandigarh. We prioritize student satisfaction and strive to create a supportive learning environment conducive to achieving optimal results. Join GNP today and embark on your journey towards OET success with confidence and competence.