Should be GNM/ Bsc. Nursing/ Msc. Nursing with minimum 6 month practical experience.
Hundreds of jobs available for Doctors and Nurses in UK
More than 40,000 vacancies for Doctors and Nurses in England, UK
A Lifetime Opportunity to Work at NHS Hospitals in UK.

Eligibility criteria for Nurses
- Nurses will have to do OET.
- After OET, candidates has to undergo CBT
- Employer’s reference
- 2 reference who can confirm that they knew the nurse
- Male and female both are eligible.
- Age no bar
- Should be mentally and physically fit - A medical certificate
- Should be registered with the local Nursing registration Council
- Valid passport
- Marital status no bar
- Adhar Card
- Registration with Local Nursing Council
- Practical experience certificate from the employer
- Must be able to read, Write and speak English
Selection Criteria and other details
- Submit CV along the scanned copies of all testimonials.
- Should be able to provide at least one employers reference and two references who can confirm that they know the individual.
- A medical certificate from an authorized medical practitioner confirming that the individual is healthy and fit for work and there are no health issues.
- A police verification report to confirm that there is no past criminal records or any pending.
- Copies of Passport and Aadhar card.
- Individual must be able to Speak, Read and Write English to a reasonable standard.
- 3 year employment in any hospital under NHS, U.K.
- Salary starting at GBP £22000 to £28000/- depending upon qualifications and experience.
- Annual increase in salary will be 3.1%.
- 3 months onsite accommodation at the hospital on Arrival in U.K.
- Nurses will get 2 tier visa, which allows the nurse to invite their partner / spouse / family members to the U.K. after 3 months.
- Total working hours are 37.5 hours a week/ 7.5 hours a day (5 days a week).
- 27 Paid holidays per annum will also be granted or paid.
- Overtime allowance and special allowance during weekend will be given on actual basis.
- 8 bank holidays per annum will also be granted and paid.
- 3 years contract can be extended subject to performance and commitment of the individual.
Eligibility criteria for Doctors
- Should be MBBS, MS/MD with 1 year experience
- Doctors will have to do OET
- After OET, candidates has to undergo PLAB TEST
- Employer’s reference
- 2 reference who can confirm that they knew the Doctor
- Male and female both are eligible.
- Age no bar
- Should be mentally and physically fit - A medical certificate
- Valid passport
- Marital status no bar
- Adhar Card
- Registration with Local Nursing Council
- Practical experience certificate from the employer
- Must be able to read, Write and speak English
Selection Criteria and other details
- Submit CV along the scanned copies of all testimonials.
- Should be able to provide at least one employers reference and two references who can confirm that they know the individual.
- A medical certificate from an authorized medical practitioner confirming that the individual is healthy and fit for work and there are no health issues.
- A police verification report to confirm that there is no past criminal records or any pending.
- Copies of Passport and Aadhar card.
- Individual must be able to Speak, Read and Write English to a reasonable standard.
- 3 year employment in any hospital under NHS, U.K.
- Salary-70,000 pounds annual.
- Annual increase in salary will be 3.1%.
- 3 months onsite accommodation at the hospital on Arrival in U.K.
- Nurses will get 2 tier visa, which allows the nurse to invite their partner / spouse / family members to the U.K. after 3 months.
- Total working hours are 37.5 hours a week/ 7.5 hours a day (5 days a week).
- 27 Paid holidays per annum will also be granted or paid.
- Overtime allowance and special allowance during weekend will be given on actual basis.
- 8 bank holidays per annum will also be granted and paid.
- 3 years contract can be extended subject to performance and commitment of the individual.
What is National Health Services (NHS)?
The NHS is the publicly funded national healthcare system in the UK and provides a comprehensive service, available to all irrespective of gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief.
The NHS was established in 1948 as one of the major social reforms following the Second World War and is funded by taxes.
The NHS provides healthcare for all UK citizens based on their need for healthcare rather than their ability to pay for it.